Modernity and the Avant-garde

Senior Citizens

Vista de la sala 205 de la Colección

Vista de la sala 205 de la Colección


The idea of this guided visit is to give Senior Citizen groups a comprehensive view of the artistic events that took place between the final years of the 19th century and the 1930s, a time when numerous artistic proposals were juxtaposed and interconnected. Participants are invited to take an active, critical approach stemming from considered thought about just what their adoption of the concept of Modernity might have meant to the artists of the classic avant-garde.

Taking full advantage of Collection 1’s idiosyncratic approach, Modernity and the Avant-garde makes all kinds of connections between artistic, audiovisual and documentary works, in order to bring out each one’s potential as a vehicle for dialogue. In keeping with this concept, the programme of visits offers Senior Citizens the opportunity to come into close contact with contemporary culture under the guidance of a cultural volunteer
Senior Citizens (over 65)

Intended Public: Senior Citizens

Language: Spanish

Dates: October 14, 2013 – June 13, 2014

Further Information: Tel. 91 774 10 00, Ext. 2098 / e-mail:

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